It's a beautiful life.

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Playing Catch Up... all the way back to April

I think it's time for a bit of time traveling to catch up to what's been going on these days. To begin with, I'll take us back to some adventures in April.. 4 months back.. yeesh.. slacker anyone? :)

Jules got to plant some Pansies with me this year. She was so excited! We had walked down to the local nursery just about a block away and picked some up. When we got home she ran inside to get her 'gardening gloves' Nana had gotten her the year previously (which at the time, she was too squeamish about getting dirty to use).
Not so this year!

 As she placed each plant, in the hole she helped dig,
she would carry on a little conversation with each one about how she
was going to place him in his new home, cover him with some dirt and then pack, pack, pack it in!

She had no problems getting dirty this year!
 Making friends at swim lessons!
 I had given a little sneak a few posts ago about having our Mommy & Daughter pedicures done..

Here it is in action! She sat so good during the whole process. The only issue she had was..
Her princess dress.. she kept sliding off the chair until I was wise enough to lift her skirt up (she had pants on underneath) to help her stay in place.  
Good times at Lost in Fun (a local indoor playground).
Did you see my Daddy? He's hiding.

Ball fight!

Me, well Jules really, but me playing with my phones photo editing features!
I really like them but I haven't tried printing any of the images off.
Another negative is Jason takes picts with his new camera and I take mine on my phone so there's even more photos I should be uploading since this has become our photo album of sorts.

Jules' best bud Sydney met up with us that same day!

 Don't mind the gob of goodies in Jules mouth..
I could not get a picture of her w/o her chewing..
or a picture of them both looking and smiling at me!
See this sweet face?

 Julia is her name, and Home Improvement is her game!
(snort- laugh at my ridiculousness, cheeseball, I know)
She gets so excited when we get to work on projects together, especially when it involves tools.
When you begin something, be prepared with a spare or to add lots of minutes to your allotted repair time. Because when you are in the thick of it, she's going to be right there to help!
She is my lesson in patience!
 It was a good but busy month. Jason's been training for a new position at work so we're both on crazy non traditional schedules. Jules has been a champ at the absolute chaos life is twirling us in right now and I'm afraid to say I've slowly been falling to pieces. I can't seem to keep my feet stable enough to get functioning beyond our basic necessities so our house, although not in the same league as a hoarder, feels so much in need of a massive reduce, clean and spruce session. Ugh. Life, I love ya but sometimes I struggle keeping up with you! Nevertheless, I'll take it any day of the week for it's a dang good Life no matter what!

Take care,

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