Since the birth of our child, our special day tends to take a back burner. We both seem to be ok with it because really.. she is the anniversary gift that keeps giving.. right?!
But at times.. at times.. I want our special day. Just you and me to celebrate us and our love that keeps us so strong and true to one another.
Life is so chaotic and fast that we need to have that special time just to say hi, hey.. how you doin'?
I cannot tell you how much fun our nightly routines, when we are together, have brightened my days.
Who would of though learning to play gin rummy would bring such happiness?
Maybe it's because I beat you nearly every time?
Nah.. that's not it.. or is it???
I love that special time with you honey.
We talk more than we've talked in ages.
We share more than we've shared in I don't know how long.
I absolutely without a doubt, will stay up too late, knowing full well I will be exhausted the next morning, I will sit and play with you and I will be filled with joy each and every time (even the rare occasions you stomp me 126-0).
Happy Anniversary my Love!
Happy 5th Birthday Quinn
11 years ago
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